
     又改又刪的平行世界,無趣加失望.     近年來日系真人動作化的通病便是比漫畫分鏡更僵硬的剪輯,極限廝殺的淩厲動感毫無表現,我以為我看了兩小時的美少年幻燈片.     我不介意好萊塢式的勵志氣氛,但至少請在自己堅持的方向上拍得精彩,電影最最基本是要好看.     另那個死前奪去玄野處男的美豔御姐呢,你在哪啊!功夫四侠(鸟、老虎、老鼠、青蛙)要去海蚌岛地宫寻找长生不老的宝藏,海蚌岛有着很多未知危险致命的奇怪动植物,可怕的虫子,齐心协力共度难关.     历经艰难险阻终于到达奇幻壮观瑰丽的神秘地宫,有种闯入地穴探险密道的视角,动画场景很一般,弹弓打蜈蚣BOSS是不是太低幼了,可能面对的年龄层还是幼儿园的宝宝们吧,适应人群太窄了,宝宝们看这个怕是会被蜈蚣吓到!哈哈The new film, “A Trip to Gibberitia” (“Le Voyage en Charabie”), is an original story from Guillaume Mautalent and Sebastien Oursel, though it is still based on the IP and characters of the original books. It’s described as a new adventure that takes Ernest and Celestine back to Ernest’s country, Gibberitia, to fix his broken violin. This exotic land is home to the best musicians on earth and music constantly fills the air with joy. However, upon arriving, our two heroes discover that all forms of music have been banned there for many years – and for them, a life without music is unthinkable. Along with their friends and a mysterious masked outlaw, Ernest and Celestine must try their best to bring music and happiness back to the land of bears..



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